Mandela 27 years- a cultural experience across the European Union and South Africa


This is a collaboration between EU and South Africa (SA) based on the iconic story of Nelson Mandela and the globally recognised Robben Island Museum. The project involves a physical display of Mandela’s cell housing cultural stories/artefacts and an eCulture platform where navigating around Robben Island brings you to an interactive map showing the cultural events across Europe and South Africa during the 27 years of Mandela’s incarceration (1963-1990) plus a serious game about life on the island based on the graphic novel style.

The Nelson Mandela Story in Robben Island is the link promoting intercultural dialogue. The display of Mandela’s cell including the cultural works will promote interest in the project. The map and the graphic serious game will support the circulation of cultural /artistic works to tens of thousands of young people in the medium they are most familiar with. Crowd sourcing allows cross contribution. This is a true collaboration with SA partners supplying content/building the cultural game and EU partners who are expert in cultural learning/dissemination/serious games allowing the mobility of experts in graphic design/games design/cultural learning and cultural exchange across both regions.

The physical display of Nelson Mandela’s cell will be the same dimension as his cell in Robben Island; it will house several photographic displays and three screens showing the cultural platform which takes the form of the plan of Robben Island. When you enter Mandela’s Cell you will hear his story, walking down the corridor you encounter a map – as you click on the map pins a cultural event across the EU and SA spring to life. As you go outside to the prison yard you can play the serious game – a dark graphic novel about his time at Robben Island.

A lecture series and teacher notes will be produced. Mandela27 will be displayed in UK, SA, Sweden and Belgium, the eCulture platform has a global reach and will be live 3 years after the end of the project.